Grosse mise à jour 1.1 de l'application Tweetbot sur Mac
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Vous connaissez tous Tweetbot sur iPhone (App, 4.5 étoiles - 5 votes, VF, 11.1 Mo) ou Tweetbot sur iPad (App, 5 étoiles - 1 vote, VF, 33.7 Mo), mais cet excellent client Twitter est aussi disponible sur le Mac App Store depuis le mois d'octobre dernier avec son application Tweetbot for Twitter (App, 5 étoiles - 2 votes, VO, 4.6 Mo) et vient d'ailleurs de recevoir une grosse mise à jour.
Au programme de cette nouvelle version majeure, vous retrouverez notamment la possiblité de recevoir des pushs dans le centre de notifications de Mountain Lion, mais aussi l'ajout de raccourcis clavier, et des corrections de bugs.
La liste des nouveautés et corrections est longue (et en anglais, si quelqu'un se porte volontaire pour la traduire !) :
- New global hot keys for show/hide and new tweets available in preferences
- New "All Tweets" notification preference available (10.8 only)
- If you pin timeline to top in preferences it will now also pin other non-streaming columns to the top (searches, lists, etc)
- Added support for visual sync marker
- Keyboard shortcuts for Read Later and Email Tweet
- Trends now autorefresh if used in a column
- Clicking menu bar item rows will now open main window if needed. Will also go to correct space if main window is on a different space/desktop
- Moom and Tweetbot are now better friends
- Fixed issue where draft with images weren't shown when you loaded a draft
- Fixed issue when home timeline displaying a list wasn't being synced nor showing correct unread tweets.
- Fixed issue where scrolling via keyboard was not updating the position properly (affected Tweetmarker and iCloud)
- Fixed crash when switching main timeline between a bunch of lists and then closing that column
- Fixed issue dragging windows to secondary screens if they were vertically aligned
- Fixed issue where notification sounds were playing even if you had Sound: None set
- Fixed issue with Reading List requiring a login
- Fixed issue with not respecting global auto-spell correction preferences
- Fixed issue with double tap on trackpad not behaving like right click in some places
- Fixed issue with j/k keys on dvorak keyboard
- Fixed issue where couldn't refresh columns in secondary windows using keyboard shortcut
- Fixed issue where pressing enter would send the tweet instead of select a username