Apple propose iOS 8 bêta 6 à des partenaires sélectionnés
Raphaël Garagnon
- Il y a 11 ans (Màj il y a 4 ans)
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Apple propose depuis quelques heures la bêta 6 à ses partenaires, principalement des opérateurs. Selon la source, BGR, Apple ne propose pas cette mise à jour à tous les développeurs du fait d'une sortie très prochaine de la version Gold Master d'iOS 8.
Les partenaires sélectionnés ont jusqu'au 5 septembre pour tester cette nouvelle bêta et faire remonter à Apple les bugs rencontrés. L'exclusive bêta 6 (buid 12A363d) bien qu'introuvable a un changelog : pas de nouveautés majeures au programme mais de nombreux correctifs de bugs de la bêta 5, une bêta a priori très stable donc !

Si vous maîtrisez la langue de Shakespeare, voici l'intégralité des correctifs et des améliorations ci-dessous. Vous pouvez aussi retrouver notre article avec TOUTES les nouveautés iOS 8 depuis le début ici.
Baseband & Telephony
● Fixed an issue where incorrect pop up message was displayed when SIM was removed
● Fixed an issue where clicking on cancel button turned LTE on
● Fixed an issue where excessive registration was tried with dual IMSI SIM
● Fixed an occasional mail continuity failure from OS X to iOS
● Fixed an issue causing continuity to fail after opening control center
● Fixed an occasional problem where MT call connection quality would be incorrectly treated as “poor"
● Fixed an issue where the active photo cannot be deleted
● Fixed a problem where document sync would sometimes consume excessive cellular data
iTunes Store
● URLs for the store app are no longer broken in received mail
● Fixed a problem with excessive prompts to sign in to the iTunes Store
● Fixed an intermittent issue keyword shifting when rotating the screen
● Fixed an issue where the emoji keyboard was unusable on Safari
Mail ● Notes are no longer duplicated when opened through Gmail
● Fixed an issue where after withdrawing a draft with attachments, browsing to another message resulted in the attachments getting lost
● Fixed an issue where forwarding an email without a photo attachment still sends a photo
● Fixed an issue when forwarding an email with an attached photo just brought up the original message without a photo
● Fixed an issue where email could be deleted from the lock screen without prompting for a passcode
● Fixed a problem where maps would sometimes consume excessive cellular data
● Added support for SMS relay opt-in prompt
● Fixed issue that caused devices to receive SMS via relay for unselected aliases
● Fixed failures sending current location via MMS
● Fixed an issue where messages partially overlap Chinese keyboards
● Fixed an issue where changing a group name didn't propagate to other devices until a message is sent
● Fixed an issue where an incoming call was being relayed back to originating phone
● Fixed an issue where options on declining a call didn't work with call relay
● Fixed an issue where edited photos did not display properly after restoring from backup
● Improved full screen photo sharing
● Set default to keep all photos on device for users with 5GB iCloud space
● Fixed an issue where a user could not select multiple photos and upload to Facebook via Safari
Push Notifications
● Improved push connection management upon account logout with multiple associated devices
● Fixed a problem where Exchange push notifications would stop after responding to an invitation from the lock screen
● Fixed an issue where a user does not receive a notification for incoming messages when the banner for the previous one is pulled down
● Fixed an issue unlocking an iPhone while on an active call
● Fixed an issue where the keyboard would sometimes become unresponsive when the screen is locked
Visual Voicemail
● Fixed an issue where Voicemail could not be played under certain error conditions
● Fixed an issue where Phone App hanged when tried to check Voicemail