AR Drone 2.0 : la première image et les caractéristiques
Medhi Naitmazi
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On vous l'a dit ce week-end, le stand de Parrot au CES 2012 annonce la version 2.0 de l'AR Drone.
Présenté aujourd'hui au Consumer Electronic Show (CES), la Mecque de l'électronique high-tech, le nouveau Drone n'a déjà plus de secret pour nos confrères canadien du site iPhoneInCanada.
Voici la première image qui aurait passée les filets de Parrot :
Si le prix semble bien parti pour ne pas changer (299 euros), son équipement s'est lui grandement amélioré à en juger par le communiqué de presse officiel, seule les informations sur la batterie manquent à l'appel (attention texte en anglais) :
Parrot AR.Drone 2.0:
High-Definition Excitement!
While in flight, the Parrot AR.Drone 2.0′s front camera transmits real-time what the quadricopter sees onto the pilot's device screen.
For the first time the AR.Drone 2.0 camera, with a 1280×720 resolution, shows a view from the sky in high definition with smooth and unbelievable images.
The pilot enjoys an experience like never before, as if he was on board. For gaming purposes, this camera also can recognize specific shapes and colors to show augmented-reality elements on the smartphone's screen.
Record and share flying experiences
Thanks to the new AR.FreeFlight 2.0 piloting application, players can record their own HD videos and watch them or share them with the AR.Drone community.
Additionally, with the “travelling" feature, the pilot can film HD video sequences like a professional! Simply select the direction of travel (forward, back, sideways) and the duration, and the AR.Drone 2.0 does the rest.
AR.FreeFlight 2.0, a new piloting and sharing platform
In addition to flying the AR.Drone, new application AR.FreeFlight 2.0 - available to download for free from the AppStoreSM and AndroidTM Market - offers players a new interface and several options.
FreeFlight: Access to the piloting application.
- The pilot can record flights, take HD videos or photos and save them in the piloting device. All the flight data (altitude, speed, duration and place) can be saved, checked by the pilot and shared with the community.
- Guest Space: Access an overview of the AR.Drone 2.0, the best flight videos and practical information.
- Drone Update: Access the AR.Drone 2.0′s free software updates.
- AR.Drone Academy: Get geolocation data of the best flight zones, watch other pilots' videos and access their shared flight data.
- AR.Games: Access applications/games available for the AR.Drone.
- Photos/Videos: Directly access your own videos and photos. Watch or upload to YouTube for the community to enjoy.