Minecraft: Pocket Edition 1.0.3 : pack de textures bonbons
Medhi Naitmazi
- Il y a 8 ans (Màj il y a 8 ans)
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Petite mise à jour pour Minecraft: Pocket Edition (Jeu, iPhone et iPad, v1.0.3, 4/5, VF, 179 Mo, iOS 8.0, Mojang) qui est sorti récemment de sa (très) longue bêta avec enfin un version 1.0 aussi compatible Apple TV.
Cette fois, c'est bien plus maigre mais on note l'arrivée d'un pack de textures bonbons qui donne des couleurs au titre d'aventure / création comme en atteste notre capture.

Pour le reste, on a dégoté la liste complète des modifications, plutôt des corrections de bugs qu'autre chose mais c'est indispensable.
Nouveautés de la mise à jour 1.0.3
Améliorations :
- Fixed some spacing when truncating bolded text.
- Tweaked spawn point selection to be “smarter" (e.g. avoid lava).
- Tweaked the textures of flower/mushroom blocks.
- Assorted texture fixes.
Bugs corrigés :
- Fixed a crash when a server/Realm would first start.
- Fixed an issue causing servers to blink between online and offline status
- Fixed a Realms crash when a player exits
- Fixed a crash when using some items
- Fixed a server crash when a player entered a mutated biome
- Fixed an issue that caused pressure plates, buttons, and other Redstone items to become stuck
- Fixed an issue with hoppers not ticking the proper order
- Fixed an issue when destroying a door
- Fixed an issue with item duplication
- Fixed an issue allowing a player to incorrectly obtain End Gateway blocks
- Observer block's arrows should now point in the direction of power
- Observer blocks will no longer be placed upside-down
- Fixed an issue where realms members that were not your friends were not being displayed
- Bats should spawn more often!
- Fixed an issue with End Gateway textures on mobile devices.
- Fixed an issue where buttons & other redstone devices could get locked when a redstone lamp activated.
- Fixed some rendering geometry which created weird results
Télécharger Minecraft: Pocket Edition à 6,99 €