Cydia sur Mac confirmé
Medhi Naitmazi
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Après les rumeurs d'une arrivée de Cydia sur Mac (je vous rappelle que le Mac App Store arrive mi janvier), Jay Freeman, aka Saurik, le créateur de Cydia, a confirmé que son installateur allait arriver sur Mac.
Saurik donne la principale raison du portage de Cydia sur Mac : le Mac App Store forcera les développeurs à suivre une quantité de règles (comme pour les app iPhone, iPod et iPad), et donc Cydia sera là pour les applications refusées.
De plus, Cydia sur Mac vous permettra également d’installer des tweaks pour personnaliser au mieux votre système.
Extrait de l'article original sur The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) :
Currently, Cydia Installer has been used by about 10% of all iPhone users, or about 10 million devices. There are well over 30,000 packages available for iOS, and a lot of open source material can be downloaded from Cydia. He refers to Cydia as a store for things that are not apps, but extensions of what iOS devices can do.
Freeman felt that the same type of store would be useful for Mac OS X devices; the result is a Mac Cydia, which will be available "within weeks." With today's news that the Mac App Store will not support in-app purchases, something that is critical to the freemium app model that is so successful in the iOS world, a Mac Cydia might be just the web store for a number of Mac developers.
Before discussing the Mac Cydia, however, Freeman spent quite a while taking Apple to task for their horrible developer documentation and for the restrictions that are common in the Apple development world. He foresees many of Apple's restrictions moving to the Mac App Store.