Block Fortress 1.1 : promo et partage de niveaux
Medhi Naitmazi
- Il y a 12 ans (Màj il y a 12 ans)
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Vous l'aviez découvert dans notre test de Block Fortress sur iPhone et iPad
, et bien sachez que Block Fortress (Jeu, iPhone et iPad, 5 étoiles - 6 votes, VO, 132 Mo, Game Center) vient de se mettre à jour en version 1.1.
Au programme, une promotion à -50 % et une vingtaine d'améliorations dont le système de partage de niveaux créés par les joueurs en ligne ainsi qu'un système de notation pour ces derniers.
Pour mémoire, le but est de défendre votre base contre les assauts ennemis, et de survivre vous-même car les ennemis ne manqueront pas de s'attaquer à vous quand ils le pourront.
Minecraft qui a mangé du "tower defense", en résumé. Block Fortress a été gratifié d'un excellent 19/20 !
Voici la (longue) liste complète des modifications du jeu (en anglais) :
- added a system to upload, share, and rate bases in sandbox mode
- added a new motion sensor block that can detect shadows
- added a flat plains terrain location
- you can now build terrain blocks in sandbox mode
- added a day and night toggle in sandbox mode
- fixed a crash that would happen every time a land mine or depth charge exploded
- you can now delete granite blocks in sandbox mode (allowing you to dig caves)
- major memory optimizations, allowing for bigger maps on lower RAM devices, and bigger maps in sandbox mode on all devices
- fixed an exploit that could make shadows wander around indefinitely without attacking
- added a link in the “Guide" section to the official IGN wiki - check it out, add your tips and strategies, and promote your uploaded fortresses!
- enemies now drop multiple coins based on the size of their reward (every coin is equal to up to 5 gold, so an enemy that rewards 20 gold will drop 4 coins)
- increased the time enemy coins persist before they disappear
- greatly increased the block and enemy selection distance when in FPS mode
- fixed a bug that would cause stats to be adjusted incorrectly when some mods were removed
- fixed some inaccurate mod descriptions
- removed salvage mod from nuke blocks (which caused an exploit)
- changed the R.O.F. mod on heavy plasma to a reload mod
- you can now hold down the up and down arrows to continuously fly up and down
- swapped the inverse look options (so they control the correct camera rotations now)
- tweaked the icon
- other bug fixes