Call of Duty: Zombies

Call of Duty: Zombies (Jeu, iPhone, v1.5.0, 4/5 - 1222 votes, VO, 50.4 Mo, iOS 3.0, Activision Publishing, Inc....)


.The Der Riese map
.Unlocking of maps Verruckt and Shi No Numa, previous available only as DLC
.New Zombie variants
.Zombies can climb ledges
.Better Zombie AI (for crowd situations in big open rooms)
.Teleporters: power them up and link them
.Monkey Bombs: attract nearby zombies, to give you some breathing space
.The Pack-A-Punch machine, to upgrade your weapons
.Pack-A-Punch upgrade effects to all weapons: more damage, ammo capacity and special abilities
.New achievements


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