Les outils de modération d'Instagram proposés au grand public

instagram ipa iphoneLes commentaires sur Instagram (App, iPhone, v16.0, 4.5/5, VF, 124 Mo, iOS 9.0) vont devenir beaucoup plus civilisés.

Pas  parce que les internautes se montreront plus sensibles en évitant les insultes, mais plutôt parce que les développeurs de l'application ont décidé de proposer leurs outils de modération à tous leurs utilisateurs.

des outils pour modérer les commentaires sur instagram

La première nouveauté concernera les comptes publics, qui pourront désormais choisir qui pourra commenter sur leurs posts. Avec au choix les gens que l'on suit ou qui nous suivent par exemple.

Par ailleurs, les comptes privés comme publics pourront désormais bloquer n'importe quel utilisateur et ainsi l'empêcher de commenter sur son profil.

Dernière nouveauté, l'outil de détection automatique des injures vient d'être traduit en français, en allemand, en portugais et en arabe, alors qu'il était uniquement disponible en anglais jusqu'ici.

C'est le patron du service, Kevin Systrom, qui a fait toutes ces annonces... sur Instagram :


Photo by @runnerkimhall Today, we’re announcing new tools and programs to keep Instagram a safe and positive place for self-expression. Since the beginning, we’ve tried to make Instagram a welcoming place for everyone. Our community has grown to 800 million, with 500 million using it every day. It’s more important than ever to strengthen our commitment to safety and kindness. Over time, we’ve launched a number of tools to help you manage the comments experience, and today we’re introducing more. Starting today, if your account is public, you’ll see a new way to choose who can comment on your posts — from everyone to just groups of people, like people you follow or your followers. Also, whether your account is public or private, you’ll be able to block other accounts from commenting on your posts. In June, we launched a filter to block certain offensive comments in English, today we are expanding this filter to Arabic, French, German and Portuguese. The filter will improve over time, enabling the community’s experience of sharing to improve as well. We’re continuing to provide mental health resources to you when you need them most. If you see someone going through a difficult time or in need of support during a live broadcast, you can report it anonymously. The person will see a message offering help with options to talk to a helpline, reach out to a friend or get other tips and support. We have teams working 24 hours a day, seven days a week, around the world to respond. We feel as strongly about creating a safe and welcoming environment today as we did when our community was just getting started. To learn more about these tools and others, visit Instagram-Together.com. Thank you for being on this journey with us, and for taking care of each other. Kevin Systrom Co-Founder & CEO

Une publication partagée par Instagram (@instagram) le 26 Sept. 2017 à 6h05 PDT

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