MAJ App Store du 2 février 2011

maj En complément des bons plans du jour, voici les MAJ du jour avec iCab Mobile, Robokill, etc.

Ici sont listées les mises à jour disponibles pour les applications App Store populaires, avec une description des changements.

Aujourd'hui, 9 mises à jour disponibles :


icabmobile iCab Mobile
Le meilleur Navigateur internet de l'appstore

Nouveautés de la version 4.5 :

- A new Disk Cache can be now enabled which makes it possible to have a real offline mode. You can revisit web pages you've visited before and which are still in the disk cache without an internet connection (for example when the device is in "Airplane mode" or there's no WLAN or 3G/Edge connection available). You can even switch on the offline mode manually, to force iCab Mobile to load all data from the cache to save traffic (if the requested data is in the cache it will be loaded from there, otherwise it will be loaded from the internet if you're connection to the internet). The size of the disk cache can be configured. If the Offline mode was enabled manually, the URL field is tinted in blue, to let you know that the web pages that are opened might not be the latest versions from the internet. The disk cache and the Offline mode requires iOS 4.x.
- The Filter Manager is now restructured. Now the filters can be organized in groups, each group can be enabled/disabled as a unit, but this can be still done for individual filters. Filters can not only block a certain file, but also explicitly load a certain file (which can be used to define exception rules for other filters, or for defining a "Whitelist"). Filters or whole groups of filters can be now also loaded directly from the web and installed with one single tap of your finger (as simple as installing a module). A new module is included, which lists additional filters which we offer for download.
- Implemented the Pull-down-to-Refresh feature. If you pull or scroll down the web page beyond its natural boundary, iCab can interpret this as "Reload" command (requires iOS 4.x).
- On the iPhone/iPod Touch there's a new user interface layout for the browser window which is based on the iPad UI.
- On the iPhone/iPod Touch there's now also a Tabs toolbar available (can be switched off to save screen space), in addition to the old Tabs management.
- On the iPhone/iPod Touch the search suggestions from Google or Yahoo are also available now (configurable).
- The private mode can be now also activated or deactivated by a gesture (configurable).
- While the private mode is enabled, the URL field is tinted with a red color. In fullscreen mode a red transparent bar at the top of the screen will show you if the private mode is active.
- In the "Settings" App it's now possible to configure much more detailed, what exactly the private mode should do. By default iCab disables the history, won't save and restore the open Tabs, won't save any cookies and will empty the local storage in which web pages might have saved their data. All of this can be now individually enabled or disabled.
- New setting in "Settings" App to switch on the status bar in fullscreen mode
- In the "Settings" App you can switch off the progress bar for the fullscreen mode.
- In the "Settings" App you can configure a default text encoding for web pages, which can be importnant for web pages which do not tell the browser their own text encoding.
- The Export feature can now also export the history and the list of currently open Tabs.
- There are new items in the contextual menu to save a picture in the download manager and to copy the address of a picture
- It's possible to rename Downloads
- The action menu can be configured for a gesture.
- The items in the QuickStarter page can be now reordered.

Télécharger iCab Mobile sur App Store

dinerdash Dinerdash
Jeux de Gestion

Nouveautés de la version 2.6.9 :

  • Taille du fichier réduite : vous pouvez désormais acquérir Diner Dash sans nécessairement disposer d'une connexion Wi-Fi. Idéal pour jouer en toutes circonstances !
  • Nous avons résolu certains bogues et avons également procédé à plusieurs modifications visant à améliorer les performances.

Télécharger Dinerdash sur App Store

garageinc Garage Inc.
Jeux de Gestion

Nouveautés de la version 1.1.0 :

  • Game Center!
  • Achievements!
  • Calendar!

Télécharger Garage Inc. sur App Store

lepost Le Post

Nouveautés de la version 1.2 :

  • Mise à jour des graphismes pour profiter de l'écran Retina des iPhone 4
  • Ajout d'un système d'alertes

Télécharger Le Post sur App Store

sliceit Slite It
Puzzle Game

Nouveautés de la version 1.5.0 :

  • "Sweety Skin added:" New "Sweety Skin" along with a Christmas and an original skins is added in an option. Simply choose one that you like.
  • 20 more stages added: additional 20 stages with various shapes of chocolates and candies you can slice!
  • PLUS, more bonus stages!
  • Plus, plus new BGM that goes prefectly well with the newly added skin!

Télécharger Slite It sur App Store

airportmania Airport Mania First Flight HD
Jeux de Gestion

Nouveautés de la version 1.3 :

  • Added airplane color palette options for color blind players.

Télécharger Airport Mania First Flight HD sur App Store

robokill Robokill - Rescue Titan Prime
Jeux d'action

Nouveautés de la version 1.2 :

  • Game Center Integration
  • New Survival mode
  • New Control Settings
  • Bug & Crash Fixes

Télécharger Robokill - Rescue Titan Prime sur App Store

teamviewer Teamviewer et Teamviewer HD
Contrôler son PC à distance

Nouveautés de la version 1.2 :

iPhone :

  • high resolution graphics for retina display support
  • setting to change the connection mode
  • increased compatibility on recent iOS versions

iPad :

  • setting to change the connection mode
  • increased compatibility on recent iOS versions

Télécharger Teamviewer et Teamviewer HD sur App Store

jumimouse JumiMouse
Je crois que c'est dans le même genre que Teamviewer

Nouveautés de la version 2.30 :

  • New zoom functionality
  • HD retina display support
  • faster screen updates
  • performance enhancements

Télécharger JumiMouse sur App Store

11 réactions

Th - iPhone

Et les news cydia, elles ont disparues?

03/02/2011 à 09h00

Exo7 - iPhone

Ben franchement les gars, elle est splendide votre nouvelle appli! Bravo à tous et continuez comme ça!

03/02/2011 à 08h45

Calvin - iPhone

Merci pour la mise a jour, plus de bug depuis

03/02/2011 à 07h52

Freedfox - iPhone

iPhonesoft mis à jour \o/

03/02/2011 à 03h33


HS; chpwn viens de sortir son VoiceActivator! Mais il est 5$, et incompatible sur mon iPhone 3G :S

03/02/2011 à 02h49


pourquoi l'iTunes Store est H.S ( erreur 5002 ) ??

03/02/2011 à 00h17

Flobzh17 - iPhone

Il y a aussi "Neubox TV SFR" qui a ete mis a jour en version 2.0 et qui integre la possibilité pour tous les clients neufbox de SFR de voir les chaines de television sans avoir la Neufbox TV
Par contre on regrette l'absence des chaines "TF1, M6, et W9"!!

02/02/2011 à 23h28

Quent159 - iPhone

Ya eu une mise a jour de mywi sur cydia sinon pour le hs

02/02/2011 à 23h11

Pakos - Iphonesoft Team - mobile

Faut attendre qu'apple accepte la MAJ :)

02/02/2011 à 23h10

Flojfk - iPhone

Et iphonesoft vivement la mise à jour. Cette version crash tout le temps :O

02/02/2011 à 23h09

b.wear - iPhone

Merci pour la news ;)

02/02/2011 à 22h50

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